Taijiquan and Fujian White Crane
In 2022 I ran a course of 10 classes to introduce the Refined Form and teach the choreography and accuracy of the first 3 sections. This year I will continue with the remaining sections (4, 5 and 6), with a course of 10 sessions spread over the coming months. To teach this properly it is important we do not rush, and the…
November 2022 – Wee Kee Jin advised that, on re-examining the common translation of the movement known as Fan through the back, he realised a more accurate translation is Shoulder through the back. This is reflected in the updated movement list below.
November 2022 – Wee Kee Jin advised that, on re-examining the common translation of the movement known as Fan through the back, he realised a more accurate translation is Shoulder through the back. This is reflected in the updated movement list below.
By Paul Fretter. It is not widely appreciated that Taiji, if trained accordingly, is fundamentally a martial art. This misunderstanding is largely rooted in the misconception that all Taiji practice is very slow and ‘relaxed’ and therefore cannot be at all practical. Most practitioners however, are only interested in the (non-martial) heath and well-being aspects…
By Paul Fretter. The basis of practice is to first learn the movement and then to put the Tàijíquán principles into the movements. The principles referred to are the Tàijíquán Classic texts. To properly understand Tàijíquán it is essential to study the Tàijí Classics, and apply their interpretation into your daily practice of exercises, Forms and partner trainning. There are three levels…
By Paul Fretter. The basis of practice is to first learn the movement and then to put the Tàijíquán principles into the movements. The principles referred to are the Tàijíquán Classic texts. To properly understand Tàijíquán it is essential to study the Tàijí Classics, and apply their interpretation into your daily practice of exercises, Forms and partner trainning. There are three levels…
By Paul Fretter. To quote Wee Kee Jin’s teacher, Huang Sheng Shyan: “Everyone is a beginner once. Always consider yourself a student and never a master“. Do I need any special clothing or equipment to begin Taiji? No, Taiji is a very low-cost activity; just arrive in loose and comfortable clothing. Training in bare feet…