Translated by Wee Kee-Jin
For the Taijiquan Form and Qi cultivation Wee Kee Jin’s teacher, Huang Sheng-Shyan, referred to 20 points:
1 Every muscle in the body has to be relaxed and loosened.
2 The body has to maintain an upright position without leaning or tilting.
3 Empty the chest, relax the shoulders and drop the elbows.
4 Tuck in the back and keep a light consciousness on the crown of the head.
5 Contract the anus, but ensure the buttocks are relaxed and hanging.
6 Bring the Spirit (mind awareness) within to cultivate the Qi. Avoid unnecessary movements in the three parts of the body: head, arms and torso.
7 Maintain an awareness of the three centres (centre of palms, dantien * and bubbling well ** ).
8 Use the mind, not brute force, to stay in your centre.
9 Calm the mind, relax the body and maintain an awareness of the body.
10 Initiate all the turning from the hips and waist.
11 When stepping forward or backward, the substantial and insubstantial feet must be clearly differentiated and firmly grounded.
12 The legs initiate the forward and backward movement.
13 In calmness there is movement and in movement there is sinking.
14 Upper and lower body must synchronise harmoniously, without dispersed movements.
15 Relax the neck, sink the shoulders and drop the elbows.
16 Three things that should never be locked straight in the form; the body; the arms; the legs.
17 Maintain continuity without any breaks, internal and external in harmony.
18 The hands move like reeling silk from a cocoon and the feet move like a cat in motion.
19 Have faith, modesty and perseverance and success will prevail.
20 Fully understand the Taiji Form and the applications will be natural.